Hrvatska ElektroprivredaTYPE OF DOCUMENTATION:
Conceptual Design, Final Design - preparation in progressDESCRIPTION:
The Kosinj Hydropower System (HPS) is a multi-purpose system designed to receive the Lika River high water waves for flood protection of the downstream area and harness the stored water for power generation at the Kosinj and Senj Hydroelectric Power Plants (HPP). Also, this system enables the irrigation of agricultural land and increases the security of water supply in the Northern Croatian Coast area.
The Kosinj HPS is a complex civil engineering project that consists of the construction of new structures and facilities, the reconstruction of the existing Sklope HPP and Studenci-Sklope road. The Kosinj HPS includes:
- Kosinj Reservoir, storage capacity 340x106 m3
- Kosinj and Sedlo dams
- Bakovac dam
- Lika tunnel and canal
- 35 MW Kosinj HPP powerhouse
- 110 kV Kosinj switchyard
- 25 MW Sklope reconstruction
- Replacement road for the Krš - Kosinj bridge road planned to be submerged
- Kosinj bridge - Bakovac replacement road
- Studenci - Sklope replacement road