Elektroprojekt celebrate their 75th anniversary on 1 April 2024. Established as a company for design of hydroelectric and thermal power plants, Elektroprojekt have grown into a company unique in the region for their scope of activities in energy, water and environmental management, and nature conservation sectors.
The core of today's Elektroprojekt was created in 1945, when Elektrotehničko poduzeće Hrvatske, ELPOH (Croatian Electrical Engineering Company) was established. In 1946, a hydroelectric power plant design group left ELPOH to join Hidroelektra, a newly founded company for design and construction of hydroelectric power plants. In January 1948, when Inženjerski projektni zavod, IPZ (Engineering Design Institute) was founded, design engineers from Hidroelektra joined IPZ to form the Hydroelectric Power Plants Department with a total of 16 employees, of which 9 were engineers. On 12 March 1949, the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia established Hidroelektroprojekt, a company for design of hydroelectric power plants and field investigations with branch offices in all capitals of the then republics except Montenegro. On 1 November 1949, the hydroelectric power plants design group moved from IPZ to Hidroelektroprojekt Zagreb, where it was assigned on hydroelectric power plants design and monitoring on the territory of the People's Republic of Croatia. This was the date when the new company actually became independent, although its first employee was entered into the Hidroelektroprojekt registry and started working in the company already on 1 April 1949. Based on these facts, 1 April 1949 is considered the Elektroprojekt establishment date.
On 8 April 1951, Hidroelektroprojekt was joined by Termoelektroprojekt and a substations design group so the business operations programme is expanding to design of all power generation plants and facilities. After the transfer of responsibility in this sector from the federal to the republic administration, the name of the company was changed by the decision the Government of the People's Republic of Croatia dated February 6, 1952 to Elektroprojekt - company for design of power generation facilities.
Since 1949, Elektroprojekt have grown into a strong consulting engineers organisation inseparably linked to the development of power generation and water sectors, particularly in Croatia. Until 1953, Elektroprojekt operated exclusively on the domestic market on the design of hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants, substations, conducting of field investigations and preparation of studies. In 1954, Elektroprojekt took their first steps abroad. Their engagement on the Zawgyi Hydroelectric Power Plant in Burma was the start of Elektroprojekt’s continuous international presence with greater or lesser intensity. Since 28 January 1955, the company has been registered for foreign trade and implementation of international capital projects. Elektroprojekt have since rendered an array of services abroad, particularly in developing countries (Algeria, Burma, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Libya), but also in Greece, Spain and the USA.
The documentation prepared by Elektroprojekt’s experts forms a unique archive of more than 23,000 design volumes, including design documentation for the majority of hydroelectric power plants and thermal power plants and other facilities built in the Republic of Croatia. Since the establishment, Elektroprojekt have maintained their core business and expanded their field of activities based on the circumstances and requirements of the economic development and market demands. Thus, in addition to water resources management, environmental and nature protection, the scope of Elektroprojekt activities has been expanded to include the utilization of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, biomass and geothermal energy, and infrastructure projects such as tram lines and cable cars.
General Manager:
Davor Paradžik, dipl.ing.
Deputy General Manager for Commerce and Finances:
Sandra Lihtar, dipl.iur.
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Department Manager:
Marino Valjak, mag.ing.mech.
Civil and Architectural Engineering Department Manager:
Krešimir Kuštrak, mag.ing.aedif.
In-House Project Department Manager:
Marijan Marasović, dipl.ing.građ.

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