Publication Date: 4 October 2024

International Scientific and Professional Symposium "Strategic Determinants of Sustainability in the Water Sector"

At the International Scientific and Professional Symposium "Strategic Determinants of Sustainability in the Water Sector," held on October 1, 2024, in Čapljina, our employee Ivan Vučković participated on behalf of Elektroprojekt.

The symposium theme, "At the Water Crossroads - Challenges of Climate Change and Clean Water," focused on sustainable water resource management in the era of climate change, with a special emphasis on ecosystem protection, cross-border cooperation, and the importance of local communities.

Through a series of lectures and panel discussions, participants analyzed challenges such as increased water consumption, ecosystem degradation, and the need for innovative technical solutions.
The discussions highlighted the importance of local communities, cross-border cooperation, and innovative approaches in sustainable water management to preserve ecosystems and improve resilience to climate risks.

As a conclusion of the symposium, urgent cooperation was emphasized as key to ensuring sustainable resources for the future.

International Scientific and Professional Symposium
International Scientific and Professional Symposium
International Scientific and Professional Symposium

elektroprojekt d.d.
Alexandera von Humboldta 4
10000 Zagreb
tel: +385 (01) 6307 777