HEP-Razvoj višenamjenskih nekretninskih projekata d.o.o.
Conceptual Study, Preliminary Studies for subsystems
The multi-purpose hydro-engineering scheme od development, protection and utilization of the Sava River and its hinterland from the Slovenian border to Sisak. The basis of the new conceptual study is a new solution of the relief canal for reliable protection of the City of Zagreb from 1000-year flood.
The concept also envisages utilization of the Sava River water for power generation, water supply and navigation, and improvement in condition of recreation centres and aquatic habitats.
The projects that make up the considered scheme, and whose solutions have been analysed, are: the Sava-Sava relief canal, Sisak Hydropower System, Ivanja Reka Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (SHPP), Petruševec SHPP, Šanci SHPP, Jarun SHPP, Prečko Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), Podsused HPP and Medvednica Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant.
HEP-Razvoj višenamjenskih nekretninskih projekata d.o.o.
Conceptual Study, Preliminary Studies for subsystems
The multi-purpose hydro-engineering scheme od development, protection and utilization of the Sava River and its hinterland from the Slovenian border to Sisak. The basis of the new conceptual study is a new solution of the relief canal for reliable protection of the City of Zagreb from 1000-year flood.
The concept also envisages utilization of the Sava River water for power generation, water supply and navigation, and improvement in condition of recreation centres and aquatic habitats.
The projects that make up the considered scheme, and whose solutions have been analysed, are: the Sava-Sava relief canal, Sisak Hydropower System, Ivanja Reka Small Hydroelectric Power Plant (SHPP), Petruševec SHPP, Šanci SHPP, Jarun SHPP, Prečko Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP), Podsused HPP and Medvednica Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant.